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Pagham harbour, spectacular circular walk starring turnstones
On the day of the Universities' boat race the weather forecast was for light showers and strong winds. What better conditions could one wish for to walk out the Mid Sussex Ramblers' (MSR) walk scheduled for two weeks hence?
On the day of the MSR walk on Saturday 19th April the weather may be brighter.
On this cloudy day, on 29th March 2008, we had a great walk - especially if you like birds.
Sussexrambler is naturally attracted to pretty birds. So I was very happy.
The weather was pretty foul though. I never took my telescope and tripod out of my large rucksack as it was so windy and cold. There was a great desire to get the walk done asap before the heavens opened and soaked us. The wind was so strong though that squalls whistled past, dumping most of their rain on the Downs rather than at sea level, where we were.
In the pictures following, you can see shots of Curlew, redshanks, &/or godwits,
oyster catchers, and turnstones.
There were hundreds of turnstones on the beach on this day. Whether it was because the weather was so breezy or not, I don't know, but they almost seemed to ignore us as we all battled against the Atlantic depression, sweeping across on this day.
You could get within a few meters of these pretty birds before they flew away.
Cormorants are shown below on an island and in flight. We also saw, but did not photograph, a heron, black headed gulls of some description. In strong winds and rain there is limited motivation to remove rucksack, remove bird book from bin liner and see the book turn to wood pulp as you thumb the pages.
The grainy shot of geese are a pair of Brent Geese. They will soon be making their way back to the Arctic to breed. You can imagine the conversation. "Don't you think we
should be heading off soon Dear for the Arctic? You know what the traffic is like round Heathrow!"
They may be gone by the 19th April. But there may be other arrivals. We spotted no terns on this day. Perhaps it will be their turn to show off to us on April 19th. Details of that walk can be seen at
You are welcome to join us then. There will be opportunity to see the site of the Norman castle at Church Norton and ponder on this area's role in D-day and the Mulberry harbours.
Above, out of sequence, you can see sea kale growing in the shingle bank.
And below a couple of mute swans sat serenely in a field of winter wheat(?). The walk then goes through Selsey and its accretion of caravans, before heading across farmland and a whole different range of birds. The length is 9.8 miles but felt like 12 in the gales! I just love Pagham. It is great. There are no hills on this walk!
Click on any of these pictures to expand them. They were taken with a Panasonic DMC-FZ8 camera. See also for superb pictures of recent sitings at Pagham and elsewhere in Sussex. is also an informative site to view.
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