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Thursday 15 September 2016

Common Darters, Southern Hawkers and a Black Darter at Old Lodge Nature Reserve yesterday.

 Above one of the man-made ponds at Old Lodge Nature Reserve, which make it a special place for Damselflies and Dragonflies
Common Darters and Southern Hawkers were plentiful but bees were hardly seen: there are many, many, more bees of all sorts in my garden due, I imagine to wildflowers and sedum blooming and no grazing .

Wednesday 14 September 2016

'DAMSELFLIES AND DRAGONFLIES (ODONATA)' An Illustrated Talk by Peter Lovett

Thursday September 15th 7.30.p.m. Indoor Meeting Chailey Village Hall
An Illustrated Talk by Peter Lovett
A welcome return by Peter who will tell us about the Odonata of the South Downs, Weald and Heathlands of Surrey and Sussex and how they vary widely and how their lifecycle defies imagination! Furthermore a garden pond is a hot bed of predators, which are themselves predated.
Not to be missed - Visitors welcome.

More info' at

Monday 12 September 2016

Devil's-bit Scabious and Field Cuckoo bees on Wolstonbury Hill

 The hill is a blaze of blue from Devil's-bit scabious and other scabious and bellflower species including the Pride of Sussex.
 Field cuckoo bees, Bombus campestris enjoy Devil's-bit scabious.  This bee species is a parasite of carder bumblebees.

Meadow brown


Cuckfield village from Wolstonbury Hill

Friday 2 September 2016

Butterflies & moth on Wolstonbury Hill yesterday

Speckled wood

Small tortoiseshell

Meadow Brown

Common blue

Common blue

Silver-spotted Skipper

Common carpet moth?

Common carpet moth?

Orchids: Autumn Lady's-tresses, "the Pride of Sussex" and Scabious spp.on Wolstonbury Hill, West Sussex, UK yesterday

 A spectacular display of Devil's-bit Scabious above.

"The Pride of Sussex" still flowering.

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