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Monday 25 September 2017

Some birds of Sussex yesterday at the Loder Valley, Wakehurst Place.

The Loder valley yesterday, 24thSeptember 2017

 Above, were Peewits, Greylag geese, cormorants, dozens of Black-headed gulls, a Heron, and a crow.
Also, from the opposite view a couple of Egyptian geese are visible.
Buzzards flew overhead.  Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Protecting Sussex Downland flowers

Local MP Caroline Lucas is championing one of Sussex’s best loved wildflowers, our iconic 'Pride of Sussex' flower of the South Downs .
She appreciates that it is vital to restore and protect chalk grassland, home to the round-headed rampion and so many other wonderful flowering plants.
Doing their bit in conservation on Friday 1st September 2017 were seven volunteers with "The Friends of Wolstonbury" lead by National Trust Ranger, Mike Botterill.
Above, Derek, a stalwart of the group, heading to an overgrown area of Elderflower, Hawthorn and a very large Sycamore tree, which, if left unchecked would choke Downland plant species.
​​Above Hilary, Margaret and Derek, after clearing the hillside scrub and felled tree above, which was burnt in one enormous bonfire.
It was a great team effort today and much was achieved.
It is a great pleasure to work at one's own pace, enjoy convivial company, the exercise and do our bit to protect this unique habitat.
Thanks to sensitive grazing by cattle, sheep and the work of the National Trust Rangers and volunteers with "The Friends of Wolstonbury" this hill is ablaze with the blues of scabious and "Pride of Sussex" flowers."
As an antidote for depression or high blood pressure, a day spent volunteering with The Friends of Wolstonbury works wonders for both physical and mental well being.
Details of how to join this happy band is at
All tools and gloves are provided... and tea and chocolate biscuits too.
Wolstonbury Hill welcomes you.

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