Tony lead this 6 miles walk from the
Mid Sussex Ramblers' programme of walks.

Click any picture to expand it.

The walk lead to the "Airman's Grave" - a memorial to the crew of a bomber which crashed there, killing them all during the second world war.

Hundred of walkers and horse riders converge on the site for two minutes silence, a bugler and wreath laying. A biplane circled dropping poppy petals.
Tony placed a memorial cross and poppy for his father, who died flying a Hurricane fighter plane in Burma. William placed a tribute on behalf of Mid Sussex Ramblers.

These pictures of a fallow deer stag in the sanctuary of Pippingford Park, where they are never hunted, were taken with a zoom lens.

Many thanks Tony for an enjoyable and memorable walk with a pleasant lunch in the Red Lion, Chelwood Gate afterwards.
here for pictures from Tony's 2007 walk