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Wednesday 31 August 2011

Common & Greater Knapweed, Centaurea nigra & Centrauria scabiosa on Wolstonbury hill.

Common & Greater Knapweed, Centaurea nigra & Centrauria scabiosa are blooming lovely on the Downs at the moment.  The following pictures were taken on Wolstonbury hill today.
Common Knapweed, Centrauria nigra  is abundant now.
The Greater Knapweed,  Centrauria scabiosa is more spectacular however and is a food source for butterflies.
Isn't that a lovely flower?

The Pride of Sussex, Phyteuma tenerum, Round-headed Rampion

What a joy to see so many of the delicate "Pride of Sussex" flowers in bloom at this time on the South Downs in Sussex.

Tuesday 30 August 2011

Downland flowers on Mount Harry and Blackcap Downs.

Today, Mid Sussex Ramblers walked from Barcombe church near Lewes, West Sussex for 8.3 miles up onto the Downs and back.

Barcombe Church

The hill in the distance was our destination.

On the top of Mount Harry were many pretty blue flowers, which might be Devil's-bit Scabious.

Silverweed was in flower.
Rock-roses were frequent.

Blackcap in the far distance. 
Another great walk.  Click here for the Mid Sussex Ramblers programme of future walks.

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