This, 2.4 miles circular on a Friday evening was from the
Mid Sussex Ramblers' program of walks.
It was in the program in response to a request from working people for evening walks on a Friday instead of our usual Wednesdays.
Working people, it seems, don't like continuous rain. They didn't come in droves.
Betty, Sue and Pat though did turn up, as did Pete (who needs to remain anonymous).
For their support -- through RAIN and shine Betty, Sue and Pat are the very first to be awarded the
This is no simple honorary award -- prestigious though it is!
In addition to the great honour, recipients get a FREE drink at our next pub stop in recognition of their support in THE RAIN!

The following pictures were taken the day after our return from Church Stretton (see next entries), when the weather was a little kinder.

It is a lovely walk.
Search your program for a repeat on a WEDS evening when perhaps it may not be continuous rain.
CLICK on any picture to expand.