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Wednesday 28 February 2018

Fieldfare digging for worms.

It is a joy to see Fieldfares feeding in the rich earth around an apple tree.  It is humus rich here because grass clippings are piled up to suppress weeds.  They rot down to rich humus, which is great for worms and birds digging for them.
Please see  for my talk The evolution of a formal garden to a nature reserve.  

Flock of twelve or more Fieldfares in Cuckfield, West Sussex today.

Twelve or more Fieldfares were in my garden this morning and early afternoon feeding on ornamental cherries and worms.  The cherries tasted quite reasonable if one was hungry.

Fieldfares tolerating a female blackbird above.
A Magpie harassed the flock a few times -- scaring them off.  It is lovely to see these birds back again.  Click on any picture to enlarge it.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Marino Ballena National Park, Costa Rica: Scarlet Macaws mob a hawk, monkeys and more.

The view from "Whale tail" tidal beach
 Curious trails in the sand at the water's edge were caused by...
 ... hermit crabs.
 In the distance scarlet macaws were flying.

 Middle picture, half way along the palm frond is a juvenile hawk, which spooked the macaws.  They all took to the air and mobbed the hawk.

 Quite a sight!

 A crab on the sandy spit.
 Another crab species in the rock pools.
 And in the mangroves a kingfisher; an American Pygmy kingfisher -- the smallest kingfisher in Costa Rica.


 A Tricolored* Heron.  *American spelling.
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Is there any interest in Sussex for me to prepare a NEW talk on amazing Costa Rica wildlife?  Please advise if interested.

Some Humming birds of Costa Rica

Some butterflies of Costa Rica

 Heliconius hecale, its caterpillars feed on passion flower leaves



In the wetlands

 The next photo's are from La Paz water garden butterfly house.

Monarch butterfly
Click on any picture to enlarge it.

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