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Saturday 18 May 2024

A Sussex wildlife garden 18 May 2024

A "lawn" area hosts four native orchid species: above centre a white form of Common-spotted orchid.
Click on any picture to enlarge it.
Above, left to right, a Fragrant orchid flowering for the third year; Common twayblade; and a couple of Southern Marsh orchids.
Fragrant orchid.  Note its long spurs.

Common Twayblade

Southern Marsh orchid

Ragged robin

Hundreds of Cowslips have all gone to seed now as have dozens of Snakes' head fritillaries, below.

Bugle, an important food source for butterflies.

Yellow Rattle, a hemi-parasitic annual, is firmly established throughout the garden.
Cow Parsley finally doing well.

Glorious shades of leaf colours: beech and maples.
Grass pollen is vital for certain beetle species
Decades old Yellow ant hill containing probably over 100,000 ants and reaching a metre down into the ground.  Green woodpeckers regularly visit to feed on ants.
Fruit set on the pears and apple trees looks to be somewhat disastrous this year.

Common-spotted orchid reproducing vegetatively.
Vegetable bed with perennial spinach and self sown beetroot and "Spis bladene" Kale.

Tree heather

Bog garden next to a pond

Royal fern on left.

a formal area of hostas around a bay tree.

Compost bin crawling with hundreds of Brandling worms
Nettles for Red Admirals etc., butterflies.
Holly flowers have set well
Fine Spear thistle

Red Campion


This Wisteria is dying and a seedling has grown nearby and is flowering after a few years.

Two colour forms of Harlequin ladybirds mating.  I have given up trying to control this foreign insect.  So far native Seven-spot ladybirds are still doing well but some rarer natives have not been observed recently.

You enjoy nature walks, led by me, with Haywards Heath u3a, nature walks group.

Some orchids of Tuscany 22-29 April 2024


Yellow orchids

Pilgrim route: Canterbury to Rome passing through San Quirico D'Orcia

Spider orchids

Naked man orchid

Lady orchid

Cyclamen growing wild in the woods

Bagno Vignoni
We were serenaded by a nightingale as we climbed to the town.

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