Well, many a true word spoken in jest! In the foreground you can see the foxgloves that I planted some months ago. They are from wild plant seeds that were collected last year from my garden and grown on in a seed tray. Don't be surprised if you see cowslips too from the identical source, where last year were bracken and brambles!
In a small pond in my garden, frog spawn is developing external gills very nicely. Decades ago, a larger pond that I dug contained 46 pairs of mating frogs -- that's 92 frogs that I counted. The noise was like a motorbike exhaust! This year and the year before, the larger pond had none! So I am pleased to see this spawn doing well. A mild winter last year caused early spawning and later frosts killed off such developing tadpoles. This pond is small enough to cover with fleece, if such a threat returns this year.
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