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Sunday 12 April 2015

Denbies to Box Hill; a beautiful three miles circular walk

This is a glorious walk of three miles and 172 meters (565 feet) of ascent and descent.  It took us old age pensioners just forty minutes from Denbies to the Box Hill viewpoint and then an hour back via Burford Bridge and the North Downs Way; total walk time 1 hr 40 minutes.

  From the car park head east back along the entrance road and under the railway bridge.

After the bridge continue straight on towards the very busy A24 dual carriageway.
We crossed the road at this point and turned left to the Stepping Stones sign and the North Downs Way below.  After crossing the A24 beware cyclists on the cycle path travelling at speed in both directions.

N.b. Had we been with children we would have walked towards Burford Bridge and used the pedestrian underpass. There, beware of cyclists ignoring the signs to dismount who are arguably as dangerous as speeding cars above on the road.  If you chose this option follow the river through Burford meadow after you cross the road and rejoin the North Downs Way later.

 Crossing the river Mole on the stepping stones is great fun for all ages.
Should you find the stones underwater after heavy rain...
as above on the 9th December 2018 there is a bridge a short walk downstream.
 Take the path through the woods and you come to the stepping stones footbridge.

The Ramblers web site at,walks&placename=Box%20Hill,%20Surrey&lat=51.255210&lng=-0.308580 gives info' on lead walks and routes too in this area.  Such walks are great for meeting new people and visiting new areas.  I heartily recommend joining "Ramblers"
The river Mole.

 At this time of year Celandine and Lady's smock (Cuckoo flowers) are in bloom.

 The path to the view point has 275 steps; a good aerobic workout.

 And the view is well worth the climb...

to the lookout point.

From the lookout point turn left along the road to the tea shop and National Trust Centre.

 Continue westwards on the path to the large tree below.

 At this T-junction turn right up the hill past Major Peter Labilliere's grave.

 Follow the ridge path with great views to the north and

 to Norbury Park.  The small, shrubby box wood is extremely hard.  It was used for Spitfire propellers during the second world war,

  The view to Denbies from Box Hill from whence we set off an hour earlier.

 Keep to the left and descend to Burford Bridge.  These meadows are rich with native orchids in the summer months.  For pictures of butterflies in August in Surrey, please see
 Burford Bridge.

 Pass the Burford Bridge Hotel and follow the A24 to the pedestrian underpass.

At this point if you don't mind later crossing this busy road again you can walk back along the river to the stepping stones.  Just take the path sharp left rather than the underpass.

 Follow the A24 west side southwards (direction Dorking) until you leave this noisy road by turning right onto the tranquil North Downs Way, below.

 Wood anemones were flowering, preceding what looks like a spectacular display of bluebells.

 Pass under the railway.

Continue straight on until you reach a path on the left, which leads back into Denbies vineyards.

 Enjoy the views to your left to Box Hill, where you were earlier.

Finally turn left past the old farm house (now a B & B).  Click here for details and the room rates.  A new hotel has been added now in 2020.

After this delightful morning walk we enjoyed a fine lunch in Denbies restaurant before another walk in the afternoon on the western side of the valley through the vineyards and woods to Ranmore and back.  Click here  to see the afternoon walk.

For details of native orchids in bloom on Box Hill in May 2016, please see

And if you would like to see twenty six of our native orchids in all of their splendour in an illustrated talk, please see 

To see current wildlife posts and some biology lessons for my granddaughter in the absence of school or for children of any age, please click

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