lead a fascinating and highly enjoyable walk through New England Wood today.
Some of the fungi that Simon identified are shown below.
The event was organised by Cuckfield Local.
Click Cuckfield Local here for further information.
without damaging the fungus in any way.
Porcelain fungus growing on dead Beech wood.
after the Mid Sussex Ramblers' AGM at 20.00hr on Wednesday 18 November in Haywards Heath Town Hall.
No fungi were picked for the pot, leaving this nature reserve intact.
Excessive picking of fungi elsewhere has, according to Simon, lead to a virtual
disappearance of once-common edible species. One of the benefits of this morning was that with so many eyes probing the undergrowth, many fungi were found that a single individual would miss.
Many thanks to Max from Cuckfield Local and to Simon for such an enjoyable event.
Excessive picking of fungi elsewhere has, according to Simon, lead to a virtual
disappearance of once-common edible species. One of the benefits of this morning was that with so many eyes probing the undergrowth, many fungi were found that a single individual would miss.
Many thanks to Max from Cuckfield Local and to Simon for such an enjoyable event.
On Tuesday 27th October, I shall be leading a walk from the Mid Sussex Ramblers' programme
passing through New England Wood - cake in Cuckfield - Blunts Wood - Penland Farm - Gravelye Farm - Whiteman's Green.
We will hopefully see many fungi in these two lovely woods and in the fields.
No picking though folks without a land owner's consent.
Click the Mid Sussex Ramblers' site here for information on my Cuckfield Cake Walk
and others from our walks program.
Note also an illustrated talk that I shall be giving on
The Solent Way - a 60 miles stroll through history,passing through New England Wood - cake in Cuckfield - Blunts Wood - Penland Farm - Gravelye Farm - Whiteman's Green.
We will hopefully see many fungi in these two lovely woods and in the fields.
No picking though folks without a land owner's consent.
Click the Mid Sussex Ramblers' site here for information on my Cuckfield Cake Walk
and others from our walks program.
Note also an illustrated talk that I shall be giving on
after the Mid Sussex Ramblers' AGM at 20.00hr on Wednesday 18 November in Haywards Heath Town Hall.
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