This was a walk that we did on Saturday, 3rd November 2012. Little egrets are common all along the Sussex coast, so it was no surprise to see this one near the beginning of this walk from the RSPB centre at Pagham harbour yesterday.
Stopping at the Ferry pool hide, there were views of teal.
A long way away, were a group of avocets that a kindly birder with a very powerful telescope showed us. With binoculars they were white spots. A photo with my camera was impossible.
In the centre of the picture above were a couple of herons and a little egret.
Here is an egret in flight.
Far away were a some shellducks.
We also saw (but could not get a picture of) a Little grebe.
Near the Church Norton hide were a couple of Great crested grebes
A small flock of Teal were feeding in the intertidal mud flats.
A gull.
Across the water were some redshanks.

Further away still were some Oystercatchers and Cormorants
We walked around the coast to Selsey Lifeboat station under a darkening sky.
A couple of Oystercatchers paced the shoreline.
From the promenade at Selsey the turnstones are common and used to people.
This is a great linear walk using the local bus to get back to the starting point -- on this day, just before the rains came.