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Friday 11 October 2019

Fungal Foray Nature Walk, Knepp Castle, West Sussex

 The weather forecast for 10 October 2019 was sunny and at one day's notice my "Nature walks email list" was invited to walk the Castle Walk looking for fungi and deer.   Five of us enjoyed a fabulous day -- enriched by nature-loving company and five pairs of eyes.  The oaks were a fruitful starting point with four fungi species seen.
Click on the pictures to expand them.
 William decided to measure one and estimated around 500 years old.
 Hundreds of Parasol Mushrooms Macrolepiota procra were seen this day.

 On hot days cattle love to shelter under trees, where lots of manure accumulates.  For that reason above might be a Mottlegill Mushroom.
 By contrast, this might be a Umbrella Polypore, which is parasitic on oaks and beeches according to Field Guide to Mushrooms and other Fungi...

 An old unidentified bracket fungus was feeding of the trunk.

 More Parasols

 A Fairy ring.
Not a Parasol above.
Views of the route and some unidentified fungi.

 A female Kestel
 Freshly emerged Parasols

 Two Red Admiral butterflies on Ivy flowers.
 Exmoor ponies.

 A puffball
 Above and below: a Red Deer stag photographed from the footpath with max zoom.

 Three Buzzards soared overhead.

 Shipley church and windmill
Many more Umbrella Polypores? and a Beefsteak Fungus - Fistulina hepatica

Beefsteak Fungus - Fistulina hepatica

 A Shaggy Inkcap
 Dragonfly, Southern Hawker, male

 Above perhaps a nibbled Fly Agaric.

 Any suggestion for an ID for this on is welcomed.

 A wax cap species perhaps
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