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Tuesday 27 August 2024

Orchids and Gentians on Wolstonbury Hill 26th August 2024


Thirty six Autumn Lady's tresses orchids were observed on Wolstonbury Hill yesterday.  See the route at , a two and a quarter miles circular walk.

Autumn Lady's tresses and Autumn gentian near the west-facing bridleway.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Parasitic Dodder on the hemi-parasitic Eyebright on the South Downs of Sussex

 On a walk to find the County flower of Sussex, many species of plants and insects were found including Dodder, a parasite feeding on the hemi-parasitic Eyebright.  Dodders lack roots and leaves, and also lack chlorophyll, the green pigment found in most plants. Dodders have slender, yellow-orange stems that cover infected plants in a spreading, tangled, mass. This Dodder plant has white flowers in July 2024.  

See the route walked at

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